wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow

Песня от Канджаней и видео-послание от Ясу, которое сразу же перевели в комментариях, потому что он говорил о своей операции по удалению менингиомы (это доброкачественная опухоль мозга) три года назад, после которой остались и шрамы, и последствия. Видео очень эмоциональное, и ему там много поддерживающих комментариев оставляют под ним.

This is Yasuda Shota from Kanjani8.

We sang this as a theme song for the Japanese High School Baseball Championship in 2014, it's called "Omoidama". Even to this day when we heard this song again, it reminds us of the lyrics the high school students gave us as inspiration, the power, strength and bravery we've received from them, and how much they have pushed us forward. It's already been 6 years and it still happens a lot. Although it's become such a bad situation now, one that we have yet to see its end, I could understand this feeling so hard it hurts. However, I believe there is a bright future awaiting us. We hope to deliver this hope using our way to you viewers during this moment. We'd be happy if you received it.

How was it? I hope it has got inside you for even just one bit.

This is what I heard from our Kanjani8's fans, 'It's alright not to pretend you're strong when you are weak. If you are having a hard time, it's alright to feel so". Therefore, if life's hard for you, I think it's alright. It's hard isn't it? Just accept the hardship when you are getting through one, and while you feel the pain, just slow make your try to one small step, or maybe even half a step, to the new and bright future waiting ahead of you. To be able to sing and talk like this, was of course the decision of the whole group, but for this time, the other members suggested keeping this talking part to only me (Yasu).

Three years ago, I had undergone a big brain surgery, you can see the scars here. They had to remove my skin and even the bones to remove the tumor from me. I had to stop my work as it was a really big one. There were of course postoperative​ symptoms. I still have to fight over this every day. This is me who is striving to get strong and fail every day. However it's not something that I could make a choice of. Also this pair of tinted glasses, without them I couldn't get on the stage, onto TV shows, or even live my daily life.

However, what made me chose to stay in this show business, it's because my very important companions, my important staff, fans who have supported me dearly, there's a lot of people who have supported me. That's why I had to put my past behind and stand in front of every one of you.

I hope you could receive, even just a bit, of the power to live on, from us Kanjani8 in this way. We as Kanjani8 are fighting every day too. We understand that not every day's a good one, but couldn't we get through it and win over it? Shall we not walk to the future together? Let's fight together. No, instead of fighting, let's just have fun. Laugh through it. Let's all find that tiny bit of happiness and live by it together. Let's end it here. Thank you for watching it till the end. We will continue to convey our messages. Please receive them. Thank you.

@темы: музыка, Yasuda Shouta, Kanjani8, Okura Tadayoshi

28.05.2020 в 06:18

Рёдетектор!/soshite mada minu asu wo shinjiteru kara~